The importance of planning change

The success of any business and its initiatives depends upon the success of its people adopting a new way to work as the world changes. Here, you gain an understanding of the need for planning and managing organizational changes to achieve the business improvements and success that comes with initiatives, new tools or processes, organizational re-structuring, training, or similar introductions of new ways of working.​

Module overview

The success of any business and its initiatives depends upon the success of its people adopting a new way to work as the world changes. Here, you gain an understanding of the need for planning and managing organizational changes to achieve the business improvements and success that comes with initiatives, new tools or processes, organizational re-structuring, training, or similar introductions of new ways of working.​  

This content takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. By the end, you should be able to:

  • Understand the 3 ways change can fail.
  • Understand how change occurs.
  • Engage sponsors.
  • Create a success plan to ensure your ROI of Autodesk technology.

Module downloads

These downloadable resources will be used to complete units in this module: