• InfoWater Pro

InfoWater Pro

InfoWater Pro is an ArcGIS Pro-based hydraulic modeling solution for water distribution systems analysis.

Course overview

InfoWater Pro hydraulic modelers can leverage ArcGIS Pro’s cutting-edge spatial analysis and visualization tools, to build and manage models, and to get more insights from modeling results. InfoWater Pro provides users with a wide range of analyses to plan, extend, and operate water distribution systems effectively.

It offers the ability to create hydraulic diagram designs of existing and proposed pressure zones to manage pressure and maintain service levels. InfoWater Pro also empowers users to prepare emergency plans by simulating the impact of incidents, including pipe breaks or pump outages, and contaminations. Modelers can also improve water quality by analyzing and understanding water quality issues, and planning and assessing the impact of unidirectional flushing, reducing old water and sedimentation and improving the flow of water.

Sharing hydraulic models and results with any stakeholders can also be done with the publishing of the model to ArcGIS Online.

After completing this course, you'll be able to:

  • Connect to ArcGIS Pro, create a water project file, and set up modeling work preferences.
  • Clean water model connectivity issues after import.
  • Develop what-if scenarios to test a wide range of water system alternatives.
  • Set up steady-state and extended-period simulation runs and review results.

Course downloads

These downloadable resources will be used to complete modules in this course:

Course outline

30 min.

Getting started with InfoWater Pro

Learn the InfoWater Pro interface and where to find the key model building and management tools.

Learn the InfoWater Pro interface and where to find the key model building and management tools.

Once completed you'll be able to: 

  • Describe the functionalities of InfoWater Pro and its relationship with ArcGIS Pro.
  • Navigate the InfoWater Pro interface and identify its parts and how they function.
  • Navigate a water distribution system model and identify the various components that it contains.

40 min.

Project creation using the InfoWater Pro tools in ArcGIS Pro

Learn the InfoWater Pro project structure, how to open a new project file, and establish a link between the ArcGIS Pro document file and the InfoWater Pro database tables.

Learn the InfoWater Pro project structure, how to open a new project file, and establish a link between the ArcGIS Pro document file and the InfoWater Pro database tables.

After completion, you'll be able to: 

  • Access project folders and files in the storage structure of ArcGIS Pro and InfoWater Pro.
  • Open a project, create a new project, and initialize projects.
  • Configure convergence settings and project preferences.

1 hr. 25 min.

Model creation and connectivity

Fix errors after importing models, such as model geometry and connectivity problems. 

Fix errors after importing models, such as model geometry and connectivity problems. 

After completing, you'll be able to:

  • Use the GIS Gateway to exchange data from a GIS database to InfoWater Pro.
  • Locate and fix connectivity issues, model elements, and elevation data.
  • Check all network components by performing a rules-based database review.

1 hr.

Digitizing and configuring model features

Access and set up the model preferences with how you want to work.

Access and set up the model preferences with how you want to work.

After completing, you'll be able to: 

  • Configure project preferences to control model element behavior.
  • Digitize model elements, including junctions, tanks, reservoirs, pumps, valves, and pipes.
  • Assign pressure zone attributes to all features in the model from a GIS dataset.

30 min.

Steady state simulation set up

Set up a steady-state hydraulic modeling run.

Set up a steady-state hydraulic modeling run.

After completing, you'll be able to:

  • Configure the time options for a steady state analysis.
  • Set the boundary conditions for a steady state analysis.
  • Prepare check valves and pipes for a steady state analysis.

1 hr. 30 min.

Steady state simulation runs

When the steady-state analysis is finished, review the simulation report and model output.

When the steady-state analysis is finished, review the simulation report and model output.

After completing, you'll be able to:

  • Run a steady state simulation and review the results as text, in the interface, and in the Report Manager
  • Create color-coded and annotated representations of simulation results
  • Configure the data output units and create customized reports

30 min.

Extended period simulation set up

Set up an extended period simulation, including duration options, diurnal pattern creation, and set up of controls.

Set up an extended period simulation, including duration options, diurnal pattern creation, and set up of controls.

After completing, you'll be able to: 

  • Configure the time options for an extended period simulation
  • Create and assign a diurnal pattern for an extended period simulation
  • Set up conditional control settings for pumps for an extended period simulation

1 hr. 30 min.

Extended period simulation runs

Run an extended period simulation and review the simulation report and model output.

Run an extended period simulation and review the simulation report and model output.

After completing, you'll be able to:

  • Run an EPS and review the results in reports, graphs, and tables
  • Create an animated thematic map of the EPS results
  • Troubleshoot failed and problematic EPS runs

1 hr. 30 min.

Queries and selection sets

Learn how to build simple and complex queries for model searches. Set up selection sets for model review simplification.

Learn how to build simple and complex queries for model searches. Set up selection sets for model review simplification.

After completing, you'll be able to:

  • Build queries to search for and find specific data in the database, then create selection sets from the results
  • Simplify reports using filters, view the results as reports, pie graphs, or bar charts
  • Create output relate reports

1 hr. 40 min.

Scenario management

Develop new scenarios and manage and compare them.

Develop new scenarios and manage and compare them.

After completing, you'll be able to:

  • Create and modify scenarios, including alternate scenarios, demands scenarios, and proposed conditions scenarios
  • Define query set definitions or specify scenario facilities
  • Perform batch simulations of scenarios and compare the results

1 hr. 40 min.

Water quality modeling

Analyze water age to find where old water resides in your system and simulate chlorine residuals and the movement and concentration of multiple interacting chemical species.

Analyze water age to find where old water resides in your system and simulate chlorine residuals and the movement and concentration of multiple interacting chemical species.

After completing, you'll be able to:

  • Perform water quality analyses
  • Set up and animate a water age analysis
  • Test for chemical propagation or perform a multi-trace analysis for water quality maintenance

1 hr. 40 min.

Fireflow analysis

Learn how to set up fireflow constraints and how to run fireflow simulations and analyze hydrant curves.

Learn how to set up fireflow constraints and how to run fireflow simulations and analyze hydrant curves.

After completing, you'll be able to:

  • Model fire demand for hydrants based on building structure, land use, or fire marshal requirements
  • Run extended duration analyses specifically for Fireflow and Multi-Fireflow
  • Create fire hydrant rating curves to show the relationship between pressure and flow for any hydrant

1 hr. 40 min.

GIS gateway review - model updating

Understand what GIS clusters are for and learn how to create and update them.

Understand what GIS clusters are for and learn how to create and update them.

After completing, you'll be able to:

  • Create GIS Exchange Clusters to define a set of data-exchange parameters
  • Control the data exchange by creating, updating, or deleting records
  • Complete model updates based on the GIS Exchange Cluster

40 min.

Demand allocation

Learn about the different options to automate the allocation of water demands.

Learn about the different options to automate the allocation of water demands.

After completing, you'll be able to:

  • Create GIS Exchange Clusters to define a set of data-exchange parameters
  • Control the data exchange by creating, updating, or deleting records
  • Complete model updates based on the GIS Exchange Cluster

30 min.

Pressure Zone Management

Delineate pressure zone boundaries, review results by pressure zone, and manage pressure zones.

Delineate pressure zone boundaries, review results by pressure zone, and manage pressure zones.

After completing, you'll be able to:

  • Use the Pressure Zone Manager to define, verify, and color-code pressure zones
  • Analyze pressure zones and then merge two pressure zones or define new ones based on the results
  • Create hydraulic profile diagrams, hydraulic profile schema, and zone summary reports